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- AlgerianStyle
CopyrightCopyright (c) 1991 Digital Typeface Corp.
Regular - Algerian DStyle
CopyrightURW Software, Copyright 1994 by URW
Regular - Algerian V1Style
CopyrightURW Software, Copyright 1993 by URW
Regular - Algerian V2Style
CopyrightURW Software, Copyright 1993 by URW
Regular - AlgerianIniDStyle
CopyrightURW Software, Copyright 1994 by URW
Free Algerian Font Truetype
- Nagomi W00 Regular
- Leitura W01 Italic 1Style : Regular
- Dirtgrub GraffitiStyle : Regular
- Akagi Pro W00 Extra Light ItStyle : Regular
- ImmortalStyle : Regular
- Dr Sugiyama RegularStyle : Regular
- Geogrotesque W01 ThinStyle : Regular
- PretendoStyle : Regular
- Aerohop W01 RegularStyle : Regular